Mammoplasty (Breast Prothesis and Breast Lift)

For women who are bothered with their heavily large breasts but cannot afford a breast reduction surgery in their home country, Iran is one of the best places to go. Not only the price is reasonable, but the surgery is also carried out by some experienced Iranian surgeons in modern private hospitals.

Mammoplasty in Iran

Breast Implant Illness is something to be aware of but there are no worries when you can get a Breast implant Revision in Iran. “My friend told me about Iran and I did my research and I found out that Iran is one of the best countries to have plastic surgery” – Kersti from Finland did her breast Augmentation Revision (caused by breast implant illness) in Iran and she was surprised by the way she Experienced Iran.

The price is determined by the experience and proficiency of the doctor, type of hotel, and other services you wish to receive.

Mammoplasty in iran

Mammoplasty in Iran price

Factors that influence the cost of Mammoplastyand breast reduction surgery in Iran include: Clinic or Hospital Location
Surgeon’s fees
Other treatment options required
patient devices and aids
Medications needed after surgery
To compare mammoplasty prices in Iran with other countries around the world, please see the chart below

Iran : $1,990
India : $3,300
Turkey : $3,850
Thailand : $4,470
Brazil : $4,500
USA : $5,000

What is a mammoplasty surgery?

Mammoplastyand Breast reduction surgery is performed in Iran with the aim of reducing breast size, improving physical condition, increasing personal satisfaction and eliminating complications caused by breast enlargement
Large, sagging breasts can be unsettling for both men and women and can limit their daily lives
Not only does it put pressure on your shoulders and neck, it can also cause disc problems in your neck
In Iran, breast reduction or mammoplasty is used for breast reduction to overcome the above problems
To surgically reduce breast size, excess skin and fat from the breast tissue is removed and, if necessary, a breast lift is performed
Breast reduction eliminates discomfort and dissatisfaction and improves the fit and shape of your breasts
This surgery is also used to reduce the size of male breasts.


2-3 hr




Less than 6 months


1 Day

Total Stay

7 Days

Back to Work

Less than 2 weeks

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Mammoplasty surgery FAQ

Mammoplasty surgery in iran

Breast reduction mamoplasty surgery in Iran takes an average of two hours, is performed under general anesthesia, and requires a one-day clinical stay
Complete healing occurs after 1 to 2 months
Your total stay in Iran will be approximately 7 days, and you will be able to return to work 10 days after surgery